Vote titipounamu rifleman for Bird of the Year!

Bird of the Year 2022 vote titipounamu rifleman

Bird of the Year is almost here and this will be the year of the titipounamu!

It just sounds right doesn’t it, titipounamu twenty-twenty-two! After last years epic third place I’m trying to get titipounamu (rifleman) to the number one spot this year!

It may come as no surprise to anyone that knows me but I’m campaigning for my favourite, our best and tiniest bird again this year. I’m sharing lots of videos and photos in the hopes of convincing everyone to vote titipounamu for 2022.

I truly believe titipounamu deserve to win Bird of the Year! Titipounamu are a true bird, an ancient endemic species and they’re clinging on to survival in remaining patches of forest trying to dodge introduced predators. They’re absolutely teeny tiny stumpy little birds, and they never stop moving. They’re a joy to spend time with, they enchant everyone that meets them. They love to snack and they form life-long bonds with their mate, they’re just the most perfect bird ever.

If you want to see all the cuteness (and memes) follow along on my Bird of the Year social media accounts:

nz bird of the year 2022 titipounamu
bird of the year 2022 titipounamu

Let’s go team titipounamu!