Tui Town

It's been a busy few weeks in my little world. I've had 2 craft markets, a bunch of online sales, and wholesale orders to keep me busy. I'm really grateful that people do appreciate handmade, and independent sellers, and especially grateful that anyone likes my designs enough to pay for them! Since I haven't written a blog post in a while this one's a bit of a catch up on all things The Paperbird Society. My back garden is still overflowing with Tui, I feed them twice a day and they know exactly when I'm due to top up their nectar, they patiently wait for me, but some get really cheeky and start drinking as I'm still trying to put the bottle in place. They get so close I could touch them if I wanted to!

lotsa-tui one-tui tui-on-roof

Calendar sales have been pretty steady this year, I really love sending them overseas and all around the world but especially glad to be selling them within NZ, as last year I didn't really get many local sales. I've teamed up with the loveliest magazine around to do a little giveaway, you can win one of my NZ bird calendars and two of the latest issues of Extra Curricular mag. All you have to do is go to the Extra Curricular Magazine Facebook page, like both our pages and comment with what your favourite NZ bird is! The comp closes on this Sunday night (14th December) so better be quick!

ec giveaway

I've also been lucky enough to be featured in the lovely online magazine; Winkelen. I'm not very good at taking compliments so it's quite funny reading nice things being said about myself, it's a huge deal for me being in a magazine, once again I feel so lucky! It's not long until Christmas now so I'm looking forward to having a breather, I get 2 weeks off from my day job so am eager to get some creative projects underway and do some tidying up, there are calendars in every corner of my house at the moment!

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